Industry Research and Publications
Communicating the value of the Human Impact Unit (Hu) requires exploring, testing, and evaluating its use as broadly as possible. This page is dedicated to sharing ongoing research projects, ideas available for others to puruse, and linkes to completed work.
Please use this page in the spirit of collaboration, feel free to contribute to any presented effort, and remember all of our ethical obligations to credit the sources and inspirations of our work.
Submit Your Work
Please submit links to any work you have completed which specifically reference Hu valuations, Hu techniques, ​or comparisons with alternative approaches that we can list below.
Submit your Publication Link Here!
Suggest a Project
Please submit any research or valuation project that you believe could be lead to meaningful research. Any submitted idea will be listed so interested researchers can connect or explore partnerships.​
Submit your Research Idea Here!
Current Projects
Each of the projects listed here is currently ongoing, seeking input, and welcome to comments. Please provide constructive criticism to any of the listed projects either as comments in the work (if allowed) or using the Comment button below.
Research Proposals
Each project listed is seeking collaboration in meaningfully researching the identified topic. If you see a project of interest, please contact the submitter directly using the method provided.
Completed Work
Below are completed works focusing on or leveraging Hu research.